-- J.F. Constantine (Me)
So, I haven’t been the best vacation blogger on the planet. So, sue me. I *am* on vacation, ya know. I’m gonna try to make up for it tonight - at least in part. There will be photos, too - but, Ansel Adams I’m not, so no critiqueing of the photos here, people!
I got out on Monday and went to Ghiradelli Square and bought chocolate (yes, I know I went there the other day, but I didn’t buy anything - well, not much anyway - so I went back Monday). Lordy! Did I ever buy chocolate - but, when it’s there just staring up at you like that... **sigh**
Then I walked about some, although I have to say that the winds that day were getting ugly, and unbeknownst to me they were going to get uglier. Now, there was no big fog that day, but it was getting a bit on the chilly side. Still, I can take it as long as the sun is shining down on my pointed little head.
There was a major redeeming factor to this day, and that factor was a restaurant known as Kokkari. It’s a Greek place, and I’m a Greek (need I say more?). So, I had a nice little chat with some fellow Greeks while I was there, and I drank some yummy Greek wine. Don’t ask me what it was, because I’m ashamed to admit I don’t remember the name - it was going down pretty smooth (if you get my drift). The dinner was wonderful, and I followed it with my personal favorite dessert - a little something called Galatobourako. I washed that down with some good Greek kafe (glyko - sweet). Mmmmmmmmm.
On Tuesday I woke up with the SHROUD of fog over everything. Boooooooo! The wind was 35 mph!! And it were cold, people! I went walkabout for a while and then came back to the hotel. I holed myself up in this place, but good. I finished a book I’ve been wanting to finish for a long time. I figured, this is a luxury hotel for which I am paying a pretty penny, I’m gonna get some bang for my buck and stay in. So I did.
Dinner that night was at Waterbar. Very nice meal. I had a salad of Heirloom tomatoes that was *to die for*. OHH, the basil and olive oil!! OHHH!
Wednesday was a damn near repeat of Tuesday weather-wise. Boooooooo! I did get out a little bit more, though, because the wind wasn’t quite as scary. Took a few photos, but really the conditions were not beautiful and I was not wanting to waste my f stops on it. :(
Dinner that night was at Waterfront. Another very nice meal. The crab cakes were quite worthy of remark - the seasoning was perfectly balanced and they were served on a Meyer lemon aioli. Mmmm. Mmmm. MMMMM! :9
Now, both Waterbar and Waterfront are located on the Embarcadero, but they are quite a ways apart; however, they do both sport a great view of the bay, and they both serve very nice seafood.
That brings us to today - Thursday. *The sun’ll come out tomorrow* (that’s me singing on Wednesday). Well, so it did - come out today, that is. Yowza! Only a slight breeze, sunny sunshine and temps that were about 65. YEAH!! (Doing the "Sun is Back Out Again Dance")
Now, we were talking!
I had lunch on the deck at Gordon Biersch overlooking the bay just below the Bay Bridge. I had a yum, yum, yummy Spinach salad and some calamari. Mmmmm.
Then I proceeded to get up, cross the Embarcadero, and walk on the esplanade that runs all the way down that fine boulevard, along the bay. I walked, and lifted my face to the sun, and felt that lovely bay breeze, and I snapped photos, and I walked some more. Before it was all said and done I was at Fisherman’s Wharf.
Check out my little walk, people (click on this link)! That would be 1.63 miles. Ahhhhhh.
The beauty of this day redeemed those last two stinky days. That walk in the sun was medicine for the soul on about ten different levels. I wish I could bottle that. If I could, I would and then I’d send it to ya - UPS Next Day Air. :)
Dinner tonight was at Ana Mandara and the food was lovely, and very unique. Also, they had a jazz trio playing there that was absolutely brilliant! I went up to them before I left and told them so. That was some of the best dark, smokey bar jazz I’ve heard in a long time - and it wasn’t even a dark, smokey bar!
Now, I am back in the safety of the fine hotel. They are bringing me homemade chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate soy milk (for those of us who are challenged by the cow, this is bliss).
Tomorrow is The Big Steinbeck Pilgrimage to Monterey and Salinas. I will blog about it, although I’m getting back pretty late tomorrow, so it may be Saturday before I blog it. Also, Saturday and Sunday are.... [scroll down for it]
I’ll be in Sonoma those two days. This trip gets closer to its end, but I refuse to think about that now. Nope, I’m just focused on cookies and hot chocolate milk right now. Heh, heh, heh... Night ebe’body!
Polla Filia,
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